Friday, October 8, 2010

Day #8 Birthday Bash Celebration!

Happy Friday Everyone!

So clearly I have become obsessed with 3 Birds on Parade. Today I am Designing for Creative Scraps Challenge! This week we had to make a "Birthday Themed" project using bling! Here is my card and I hope you guys like it! In order to participate just CLICK HERE for Cristi's Blog and you can see all the inspiration and join in on the fun!

Card Base: A2 Size Card
Layers: 5.25 x 4 and 5 x 3.75
All Cuts from 3 Bird on Parade cut at 3'
Sentiment: Scrappy Mom Stamps

Now on to the giveaway!!! There is an adorable Etsy Store that has some awesome embellishments for card making. The owner AesaLina is such a huge Sweetheart! I will be making some projects soon using her products! (As soon as I can get back into my room). Until then she has donated a $15 Voucher to purchase yummy items from her store. CLICK HERE to visit her!


1) Leave me a comment telling me when your birthday is (no years please;bad for identity theft)

2) For an extra 3 chances to win, tell me your favorite product from her store


1 Scrappinbutterfly said...

March, 17th and love the butterflies from her store!

2 Jen's Creation Station Studio said...

Oh, here store is wonderful! I love the paper buttons! My birthday is March 20th and I've always loved my birthday because I know spring isn't far off here in Montana!

jen_chadwick at hotmail dot com

3 Jennie Garcia said...
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4 Jennie Garcia said...

My Birthday is September 8th a month before my anniversary which is today!! I love your card you are making me want to get it!! That store is so cute!! I love the paper clips no.2 I want to figure out how to make this!! TFS!! Take Care!! Jennie @

5 *Star said...

Beautiful card! I love that polka dot button! Feb. 25th and my favorites are the pixie petals.
Have a great day. :)

6 Abby said...

Oh!!! what beautiful things are in that store!!! I love the faye flowers and the pixiepetals? or pixieflowers?

My bday is not a very good one! yeah, its after Christmas but usually everyone is broke and/or forget about my bday!!! Dec 26th!!!

7 Deanna Mulder said...

Very cute card, love it. I really love her Pixiepetals and the wistful ribbon.

8 Debby Pannell said...

Momo-love you're card. You are having loads of fun with you're new cartridge. My B-day is Jan 28th. I think her crocheted flowers are adorable as well as the pixieposies and pixieclips. TTFN Debby

9 Kristin said...

Your card is adorable.I need that cart it looks really fun:)

Anonymous said...

My birthday is September 2nd. I just loved the bitty brads in her shop. They are super cute.

11 Unknown said...

super cute card.. my birthday is feb. 26. i love the bitty brads.. i want to get every color..

12 HappyMom2010 said...

Mi cumple menos es el 7 de Septiembre.
Me encantaron las flores de gancho, estan lindas!
Gracias por compartir con nosotros tu cumple...
Te deseo lo mejor...nos estamos viendo...

Gina Lindsey

agsainz at gmail dot com

Trena said...

July 17. And my favorite product is the wings.
Thanks for the chance to win.

14 Norma said...

I love your card Momo, love the folded corner with the button. Wow, she has some really cute stuffat her etsy. My birthday is December 2oth. I love the dyed vintage lace it was beautiful:) Thanks for the chance

15 scrappin2babygirls said...

My b-day is Sept 30. My fave thing in her store is the Whimsy wings.. they're super cute. I love your card too thanks for sharing!!

16 Teri said...

Thanks and what a cute card! I like the turned corner with the button. My birthday is Sept 5th. I love the products in AesaLina's Etsy store. I think I like the Faye flowers the best, especially the blue ones. Thanks again and I can't wait to see your new craft room!

17 Scrappy Mel said...

Your card is precious!! :)

My B-day is Aug 16th and my favorite thing from her Etsy store is the Pixieclips #3 (the pink and brown ones).

Thanks for the giveaway, AesaLina and Momo!

18 ~Olga said...

Very cute card Momo! ~Olga

19 Lezlye said...

September 6th, and I love her pixie petals looks like they are crochet.

20 Giselle said...

super cute!! My bday is on December :)

21 Janet said...

Thanks for sharing all ur super adorable cards.
My birthday is July 13, yes, I did celebrate a few birthdays on Friday the 13th hahaha
My fav item: the green polka dot brads :)

22 Denise-Scrapmouse said...

My b-day is October 29. It's coming up. Yippee!

From AesaLina's etsy store, I like the bitty brads and the paper buttons are cute too.


coupondenise at live dot com

23 Craftyhomemade said...

Hello, my birthday was on september 10th.

24 Craftyhomemade said...

My favorite are the faye flowers aqua.

25 Unknown said...

May 30
Love the pixie clips

26 girlia said...

My birthday is Dec. 4th, and my favorite item from Aesalina's store would be the pixiepetals.

27 Heather said...

Mine is September 22. I love all of her ribbon as it is so cute.

28 Andrea said...

I just had mine a couple weeks ago in september. I think her flowers are so cute!

Anonymous said...

Your card is absolutely adorable...My birthday is Jan 7

30 live well laugh often love always said...

my big day is january 12th
very unique store
buttons were cute as well as the vintage lace

Anonymous said...

I am loving her store... I love the faye flowers, whimsy wings and the pixie posies daisies

32 GiGi said...

I love this card. I would totally use it all the time too if I owned it! My birthday is June 18th.

33 GiGi said...

I checked out the etsy shop and I like the croched flowers and the buttons....I can't believe they're made out of paper! They look so real!

34 LadybugCarrie said...

Super cute card! My birthday is September 11th. Yep, not a good day to have a birthday anymore!

I visited Cristi's Etsy store and LOVE the pixiepetals! They are so cute!

Thank you for the chance to win!

35 GreenScrapinMachine said...

July 21st!
I love AesaLina's crochet flowers! They are gorgeous!

36 GreenScrapinMachine said...

July 21st!
I love AesaLina's crochet flowers! They are gorgeous!

37 4kids4 said...

Just pretty things in her store...I love the pixie clips...they'd make the cutest bookmarks! My birthday is September 25!

~Sharon C.

38 Card Creations by C said...

My Birthday is May 13th!

I love her yellow Faye Flowers. Very Pretty.

39 Shorty Creations said...

Very cute birthday card... I'm going to have to use that little bird. My birthday is November fourteenth. I really like all of her pixie paperclips and the faye flowers - pink lemonade.

40 jen said...

Another very cute it. My birthday is Sept. 7th. I love the pixie much cute stuff. Have a wonderful weekend! I'm sure you are getting super excited about your room.

41 buglvr2010 said...

I love this cute birthday card. My birthday is October 19. My favorite items from PixiePetals is the wistful ribbon and the faye flowers. So pretty!

42 IRW Dana said...

Happy Birthday to you and me. My birthday is TODAY Oct. 8! Hope you have a great day.
papermemories4u at yahoo dot com

43 Jocelyn said...

My birthday is on March 20 and I love the pixiepetals!

jogarcellano at gmail dot com

44 Kitty said...

Super cute card. My birthday is March 15. I really like the pixiepetals.

joann valdez said...

first of all your card is awesome. my birthday is february 14. i love her shop . i like them all especially the pixie clips and the faye flowers. thanks for the chance to win good luck everyone.

46 Diana said...

June 20th - her crochet flowers are very nice - have used before.

dianaherrera at comcast dot net

47 Lori said...

September 15th.

picassobebe said...

Love the the petals!! August baby.

49 Madison said...

Momo your card is so cute:) My birthday is April 18th. My half birthday is October 18th which means I can get my permit a week from Monday!!!! SO excited! I also liked the pixiepetals. This has been a fun week:)

50 Unknown said...

My is Aug 6, and I love the bitty brads, so cute. 8o)

Anonymous said...

My birthday is August 31st. I LOVE the pixie petals! so cute and dainty!
Thanks for the chance to win and Happy Birthday!!

52 Dana said...

July 18 :) and my favorite item was the paper buttons! SO CUTE!!!

53 Amanda Villarreal said...

My birthday is today! 10-8 :P I really like her pixiepetals the autumn collection, the colors are gorgeous!

54 Kim. said...

Love the card, the bright colours make it so cheerful, it is beautiful.
My birthday is March 19th and I love those crochet flowers called pixiepetals, they are just divine.
Kim xXx

55 Denise G said...

First of May. I like a couple of the things from her etsie shop a lot. The Pixie posies and the satin flowers.

56 ~Heidi said...

Hi Momo! My birthday is Dec. 9th. I have never seen this designer before. Thanks for sharing her. I love the faye flower - autumn harvest!!! Just wonderful!

57 Becki said...

Adorable card! Every card you make with thatcartridge is justtempting me more and more to spend the money for that cartridge! hahaha!
My birthday is July 15! Same day as my grandpa! He always said I was his favorite birthday gift!
I'll also have to say that the pixie petals are my fvaorite item ather etsystore... Everything there is ADORABLE but I think those are sooo cute!!

58 Joanna said...

Hi Momo, that's sucha cute always! I might have to get that cart now!
By bday is right after New Year's-Jan. 2nd!
Sometimes it's sucks, but most of the time it's a good day! lol :)

59 DEBBIE ORR said...

Dec 08 Really cute card my favourites are the Pixie Petals and the Whimsy Wings

60 crafty queen said...
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61 crafty queen said...

April 9 BC....I have a hard time the pixie clips are cute and the vintage ribbon is awesome.

62 lindagk23 said...

Cute Card Momo! September 6 is my b'day and I love her pixie petals the autumn collection, but all of her things are soo cute! Lindagk

63 tammy said...

This is THE cutest card ever!!! I wish I had your creativity!!!
February 28th is my B-day!


64 Glora said...

April 28th, and my favorites are the crocheted flowers, but the paper buttons are pretty cute too.

65 Louvenia said...

My birthday is December 24, and I like the bitty brads she has along with everything else lol.

66 D1NonlyAnnmarie said...

My birthday is on March 25th.... I share it with Sir Elton John. :)

I LOVE her Faye Flowers in Aqua. I don't use much aqua in ny projects but for some reason those are the ones that really stood out to me. :)

67 D1NonlyAnnmarie said...

My birthday is on March 25th.... I share it with Sir Elton John. :)

I LOVE her Faye Flowers in Aqua. I don't use much aqua in ny projects but for some reason those are the ones that really stood out to me. :)

68 Pamspaperpassion said...

Super cute card! I want that cartridge! My Bday is October 19th! Eleven days away!

I like like the faye flowers, pixie clips and pixie petals. She has very pretty, feminine things.

69 Valerie said...

Super cute. I love 3 birds. My birthday is July 19th. I love the pixiepetals autumn collection as well as the faye flowers in harvest yellow.

Thanks for a chance to win
vflambert at hotmail dot com

70 Ulysses' mama said...

I love your card! cute idea of the turned down edge and button. I did go to the store and the cutest thing is the pic of the owner and her son, but as far as merchandise, I like the angel wings.
OH..almost forgot, I was born on September 2nd.

71 Tammy said...

Hi Momo, My birthday is 3 September and my favorite product over at Pixie Pedals are the Pink Lemonade Faye Flowers, they are so cute! Happy Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Momo,

My B'day is June 24th. I liked the crochet flowers (pixie petals collection)

gvscards at gmail dot com

73 Dalis (stampergirl) said...

my bday is July 13th and my fav thing in her store are those wistful ribbons, the colors are just amazing!

-- dalis
alidalis AT comcast DOT net

74 Patty said...

My birthday is December 16. Cristi's store is so cute. My favorite items are the wistful ribbons.

Anonymous said...

Love your card. My Birthday is June 21st. My favorite is the pixiepetals (all of them)

76 - - Sheryl - - said...

My B-day is April 21st
I liked the brads and buttons

77 Kards by Kathi said...

December 16th. I love the embellishments. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

My birthday is in March and I loved her Pixieclips-no.2. Thanks for sharing Momo. Just a couple of days left for your birthday:)lol.
Monica L.
monita23 at ca dot rr dot com

79 MyCuriousCrafts said...

Love the card..TFS. ~Shen

80 Christy said...

Very sweet card! Keep on celebrating!

81 Pam and Presley said...


Very cute card! the birdie is so cute :)

Thank you for sharing your birthday with us all week

my BD is 5-22 and this is one of my fav's :pixiepacket - peaches and cream but she has so many cute things!!

Thank you again Mom and thank you pixiepacket for the awesome candy!!


82 Valine said...

Adorable card!!!

My bday is 12/16. I'm a Christmas baby!

As for my fav product from the pixiepetals store...I LOVE the faye flowers in harvest yellow. Sooooo cute!!!

83 Crooked Scrapper said...

Hi Momo, my BD is Jan 7th. The item I liked the most was the
pixieposies - green pink set.

84 Lori said...

My birthday is October 28th! :o)

And my favorite thing from pixiepetals are the pixiepetals crocheted flowers and the wistful ribbon - don't make me choose a color it was hard enough to get my favs down to just two! LOL!


85 SharonS said...

Hi Momo, My birthday is July 9 and my favorite thing from the Pixie Petals store are the the Pixie Petals crocheted flowers--any color! :o)

86 Heather said...

Your cards are making me want that cartridge! Super cute! My birthday is Dec. 2. My favorite item is the pixie clips #3!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com

87 stefeni said...

Such a super cute etsy store! July 23rd is my birthday..I'm a Canceo (Cancer/Leo) My favorite item is the pixie posies, super great embelishments.

spunkycrayon at yahoo dot com

Colleen said...

April 19th and my favorite item is the pixiepetals.

Rainbow Designs at huntel dot net

89 VeronicaA said...

Cute card! My birthday is January 4. I love several items from AesaLina's store...pixie petals autumn collection, all colors of the faye flowers, and the whimsy wings. Of those three, my favorite would be the faye flowers. She has some really cool stuff. Thanks for sharing.

90 Melissa said...

I just love your card! My birthday is August 13th and I would have to say my favorite thing from Aesalina's store would be the pixieclips, those are cute and not expensive. Thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to win.

91 corrie71 said...

I just love the 3 Birds on Parade cart too.

My birthday is August 24th.

I love the butterflies from her store. Too cool!

92 Cristi said...

I just love your card Momo, that bird is so adorable!!! Thank you so much for joining in.

I hopped over to the etsy store and I love the Pikie Clips #3 so cute!!! All of her stuff is adorable! I love that vintage wire basket too!
Big Hugs

93 quilt4fun2 said...

My Birthday is February 23rd. I like the autumn pixiepetals best. Hard to pick as she has some very pretty things there. Cute card too! How did you do that without your craft room? Hope you have a very Happy Birthday!
quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

94 Simply Pam said...

July 15th is my birthday and my favorite items are the crocheted flowers. So pretty!

pjnisson at hotmail dot com

95 Suzy said...

Such a cute card Momo! My bday is on April 20th. Your friend store is really neat. My 3 favs are the autumn collections of pixiepetals, dyed vintage lace, and the aqua faye flowers!
~Suzy suzyq28024 at gmail dot com

96 jennyplace2 said...

Good Afternoon Momo. My birthday is June 10th and I love the pixie clips! It would be fun to go shopping on someone eles dime! LOL

97 Got2BCrafting said...

Such an adorable card! I have been resisting this cartridge, but if you keep showing such sweet cards, i might just cave!! My bday is Jan. 9th.
tahoe_luvr @ yahoo docom

98 Got2BCrafting said...

Wow... i really like her embellies! My favs are the pixiepetals and pixie clips!
tahoe_luvr at yahoo dotcom

99 The Crazy Life of a Navy Wife said...

Your cards are REALLY making me want to buy that cartridge! My birthday is August 2nd!

100 The Crazy Life of a Navy Wife said...

Cute store! I really like the Pixie Clips! So adorable!

101 Peggy Sue said...

Loving the birds!! march 20th, and pixie clips no. 2 are my favorite from her store.

102 Carolyn said...

My birthday was last month, 9-13 lucky #13. The Pixiepetals are my favorite from her store. tfs

103 ~Amarilis~ said...

Oh I Love the Stuff that is in her store. It was to pick a favorite, but I have to say it was the pixieposies. My birthday is Aug. 27. It always falls on the first week of school here in Florida. Thanks for the giveaway.
amarilisperez at msn dot com

104 Unknown said...

Pixieclips are awesome. My birthday month is october and its today.

105 Unknown said...

Pixieclips are awesome. My birthday month is october and its today.

106 Valerie said...

Hi Momo!!!
My birthday is September 6th (Labor Day) I LOVE the butterflies!!!
P.S. I LOVE your card!!!

107 Barb said...

My birthday is June 25th. I love the Faye Flowers and the paper buttons.

108 teachdanz said...

My birthday is November 29th. and I love the pixie petals, I think you used them once in a video.

109 Cricutcrazylisa said...

January 27....I Love buttons!

110 beckwhitty said...

November 27th Momo, and sometimes it falls on Thanksgiving so I get pumpkin pie AND birthday cake to eat IN THE SAME DAY!!!! WOO HOO!!!!
My favorite item in her store are definitely the crocheted flowers, I wish I could make them!

111 Carrie K said...

My bitrthday is October 2nd. Which was world cardmaking day this year!
My favorite items in her sotre are the pixie petals. So dainty and cute!

112 Saundra said...

Hi Momo! I love your card! My birthday is May 27th. I love the embellishments from the etsy store. I think my favorite things were the pixie petal and the wistful ribbon.

Anonymous said...

My birth is Dec. 2nd any my item favorite Aesalinas store is the wrought iron daily plate.
esterperez73 at yahoo dot com

114 Stacy said...

My birthday is February 8th. My favorite has to be the pixiepetals.

Gina said...

I really liked the vintage lace especially the pink. My DOB is

116 Tonia said...

My bday is May 21...My fave item from the etsy store is the pixie clips NO. 3!!! Very cute!! Thanks for the chance to win!

117 Patti B said...

My b-day is Feb. 19th. My favorite from the store is Pixie clips no. 2 cute butterfly

118 Anna said...

My birthday is coming up..Nov 4th. I really like pixiepetals - RED parakeet, yellow, orange but would be happy with any...way cute!!!

119 **Savannah Leigh** said...

Momo cant wait to see what your new craft room looks like!

My Bday is July 29th!

I absolutely love all the vintage ribbon she has along with the butterflies. Very affordable and beautiful stuff!

happy crafting off to make a wedding card!


120 aud1inok said...

I just wanted to tell you how much I love the button at the top of the card. What a great idea.

121 Georgiana said...

September 22nd

The florals with buttons are adorable!


122 Scrappy Jackie said...

My birthday is March 24. And It is really hard to pick one thing! I like too many! Especially the autumn colored things! Pixie petals! Jackie.

123 Unknown said...

My B-Day is Oct 5!!! And what I like from the store is pixieposies red aqua set!!! I love butterfly and flowers!!!
Karla U

124 Nhi P. Tran said...

Her butterflies and flowers are so pretty. :]

125 flowerdisco said...

momo...i just want to say again hb my friend. I can't wait to see your new scraproom. :)

126 LesleyfromWI said...

Your card is too cute. May 17th and I really like the pixiepetals -RED parakeet!!

127 christys_scrappin said...

Butterflies rock! My birthday is March 13th....yes, born on a Friday! LOL

Love for you to visit my blog and become a follower! :-)

128 BreAnn said...

I love your card! Thanks for intoducing pixiepetals to us! There are so many cute items in the store, but my favorite are the whimsy wings!

p.s. My b-day is November 13.

129 sbmama said...

Cute surprise you creative rock star, You!
My next birthday (and it's a BIG one) will be Dec. 29.
As for the wonderful Etsy store...since I am re-organizing my studio I am drooling over the storage pieces. Particularly the iron wreath. Woo-hoo!

130 Christina said...

My birthday is April 23rd. I love her pixiepetals. They are super cute! TFS

131 Sandy said...

Hi! My birthday is Dec 7th, and I wish I would get a cute card like you made! My favorite thing is the vintage fabric ribbon - christmas and lace, but I love every single thing in the store!

132 Unknown said...

Birthday day Sept. 6... fave things from her etsy... the PIXIEPETALS !! sooo nice!! love it!!

felkatz at gmail dot com

133 amanda1050 said...

My birthday is May 6th and I love the pixie petals and the faye flowers...oh and the dyed vintage's so hard to only pick one favorite from that store!

Thanks for all you do :)

134 Kerry T said...

My birthday is February 16. I love the Pixie Petals and the paper buttons are adorable.

135 pj said...

So adorable. Thanks

Anonymous said...

hi! momo, I love the paper buttons and the butterflies, my birthday is October 4. Thank you.

137 Cheryl Gaffney said...

My birthday is May 24th!! I love having a May birthday, the only thing I don't like is it is so close to Mother's Day!

Thanks for the giveaway,
Cheryl @

138 Cheryl Gaffney said...

I just visited AesaLina's Etsy store and fell in love with her pixieposies, the ribbons and oh those paper flowers... too adorable!!

Thanks for helping me find her wonderful Etsy store!

Cheryl @

Anonymous said...

My birthday is March 4th and I love the pixie petals best - so pretty :)

140 SimpleScrappin said...

My B-Day is 11/20 and I love the pixie petals.

141 Gayle said...

My b-day is May 18th. I love the crochet flowers

142 Totally Twisted Cards said...

Hi. August 1. I see why you love the 3 Birds on Parade. I'm gonna have to get that cart. OMG is AesaLina so talented. I love the pixie petals. They would look awesome on a card.


stacy at mycrafting time dot com

143 Barbara said...

Birthday Nov.30. I like the crocheted flowers.

144 Karen said...

Wow... what a sweet giveaway!
My birthday is Feb 17th
And I love her pixieclips, african sand wistful ribbon and autumn coll. pixiepetals!

145 Melissa said...

My bday is November 21st! I would have to say that my favorite thing in her shop are the bitty brads!

Thank you Momo!


146 Pammejo said...

paper buttons, butterflies and of course the flowers, my b/d is 9/21

147 pattyk said...

Happy Birthday to You! I love buttons of all kinds thanks My birthday is June

148 jd designs said...

Happy almost Birthday to you! My birthday is July 3rd. A firecracker baby! :-) Pixie Petals has some great stuff! I love her whimsy wings! TFS!

149 Tanya Isis Ayala said...

January 13, love the butterflies

150 MissChicas said...

My birthday is Sept. 14th!

I seriously love her crochet simple but adoooorable!

151 Ladies Prayer Group said...

Aug. 1st
I love the crochet flowers!

Anonymous said...

Love her store, especially the pixiepetals, those are my favorite. My birthday was 2 weeks ago. It was a nice, quiet day...I spent most of it crafting!

153 Cherylann's "Outta-My-Mind " said...

My birthday is Feb. 28.
like buttons, ribbons & flowers

154 Celeste B. said...

The 5th of July (but I HATE fireworks)!! I love her pixieposies - green pink set!!!! WOW! Thanks for a chance! :)

155 Michele said...

OMG,such adorable goodies! I love those pixiepetals flowers!! My birthday is on September 8th.

Thanks Momo for all you do!!

156 forpahl5 said...

nov 21 and her storage! Love the wire basket!

157 Anniesgg said...

I love the buttons and butterflies in the store, my B-Day is Aug 1st which I love because all of my family is close on that day. Happy Birthday....Momo

158 Courtney said...

March 11th! Greatest day ever!

159 pennykitz said...

October 20th,
My favorite products were
1. faye flowers "lovely"
2. golden keys
3. vintage lace
May I add I love the pic of the sweetest kiss ever... that is so adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

Your card is adorable! I'm starting to think I need 3 Birds on Parade!! It's so cute!
My favorite item from her store is the Whimsy Wings. Very pretty!

Anonymous said...

Super cute card... nice Etsy site.. love the crochet flowers.. the autumn colors are super...

162 Shaunta said...

February 5th... I don't wanna choose a fave she has a lot of neat things!

Anonymous said...

Oops forgot to include my bday in my post above. Its January 18.

164 laura roque said...

pixieclips #4 is my favorite it is so cute. my birthday june 14

165 Mary said...

My birthday is 8/10 and love the Pixiepetals store, love the two-tier pixiepetals!
mhalford6 @aol. com

166 maryanns said...

My birthday--May 27

My favorite product from PixiePetals--Pixie clips. How sweet they are!!!

Thanks for allowing me to win!

167 Scrappin' Sista said...

October 11
Yep...the day after your birthday.
I'm digging AesaLina's faye flowers pink lemonade.

Thanks for the chance to win.


168 Vicki said...

I love the faye flowers. Feb. 12

169 Liz said...

My bday is January 15th and I love that Wistful ribbon in Harvest Peach from Pixiepetals!

Happy almost birthday! :)

170 Krystal M said...

My birthday is May 18th :) My favorite items from AesaLina's store are Faye Flowers in harvest yellow, pixieclips #3, and the bitty brads. Thanks again for having this awesome giveway. Happy almost Birthday!! :-D

171 Melissa said...

Feb 3rd...and I like the pixiepetals!

dolfnz777 at yahoo dot com

172 CyndiU said...

My birthday is July 14. My favorite product in her store would be the pixiepetals.

173 Dawnica said...

My birthday is July 21. I love her store, but i really love those cute crochet flowers.

174 Jayne said...

April 18th and I love love the wistful ribbon!

175 aremus said...

My birthday is 1 Jan. Her store is so cute. I love the pixie clips. TFS!!

amandaremus at gmail dot com

176 Wendy (aka Roo) said...

St. Patty's Day, March 17th!
I really like her pixie clips!

177 shanna13 said...

My birthday is 6/13. My favorite in the etsy store were the keys. Happy Birthday! Susan

178 Shana said...

Love the card, and like the etsy site, love all her velvety ribbons.

179 Jamiecrafts said...

Happy birthday Mari! WOHOO! love these items and her store is way cute, love the faye flowers :) my bday is in Jan.

180 Monica Ward said...

Hello. My birthday is 12/12 and my fav from the store is all of the to die for crochet flowers. I've been trying to teach myself to crochet but with three little girls running around the house, I just don't have the patience yet. Maybe in a few month!!

181 Lynn Fox-Embrey said...

My birthday is in less than 30 days, November 8th. I love all the flowers.

182 prittyemerald said...

Hey momo, Happy Birthday! I am a spring baby I was born April 10! I visited the etsy store and think it is very adorable. I would have to say I want her pixiepacket in yellow and aqua!

183 My Scrap Diary said...

Lol, he looks so adorable holding the cupcake. My bday is next week. Yay for Libras!!!
Jess M
Congrats on getting your own space/craft room!!

184 Debican said...

Love your card. My BD is Dec 11.
Love the croceted flowered but there are way too many cute things to select just one.
Hugs xxx Debi

185 Jennifer said...

Hi Momo!

Happy, Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!! Hope you're having a wonderful birthday week!!! :)

(I'm away-my two little ones are on Fall Break- and I've missed your blog! I miss my craft supplies, too! It's funny, because I'm too busy to craft every day, but just knowing that I can't makes it so hard! ;)

Thank you so much for introducing me to Pixiepetal's Etsy store! I LOVE all of her embellishments! My very favorite product from her store would have to be any of the crocheted flowers (pixiepetals - autumn collection no. 2)...they are just gorgeous!

Thanks so much for sharing,


186 Jennifer said...

Oops! I forgot (& at my age, I'd like to!): my birthday is on January 6th.

187 Wendy Egan said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

May 4 and I love the crocheted flowers - so cute!