Saturday, October 9, 2010



I am so excited that you have all joined me for this awesome Hop! There are 15 amazing blogs, some will have videos, others will have giveaways, but all will have some awesome Birthday Themed Inspiration for you!

So before we get started I wanted to tell you about tomorrow which is the big 10/10/10!!! I will have 2 AWESOME prizes! One donated by the very talented and amazing Emma from My Creative Time and another Cartridge donated by! And some fun news!!! I am going to "TRY" to do a quick 15 minute Live Ustream during my Birthday Party so that all of you can be there to sing Happy Birthday! I am so excited to know you will all be there along with me!!! I will post the details tomorrow, it will probably be around 9PM EST! Now on to Today's Party!

Below is the list of all your stops for today! Get started at Cristina's Blog by CLICKING HERE! Have fun and if you get lost along the way here is the whole list of the bestest friends a girl can have!


Once your done hopping come back and tell me what you thought of the Blog Hop for a chance to win a Peachy Keen Face Assortment Set!
Yes that's right! Peach Keen Stamps has donated this amazing Laughy Taffy Stamp Set for DAY #9 of the Birthday Bash Celebration!
CLICK HERE to see all of their AMAZING Stamp Sets!!!
Thanks to all of you that have participated in my week long celebration! You are all soo awesome! Thank you for letting me be me and loving me just the way I am! Can't wait for my actual Birthday tomorrow. I have a feeling it is going to be a good one. :o)


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 290   Newer›   Newest»
1 Joujou said...

Happy Pre Birthday to you , Happy prebirthday to you Happy pre birthday to you Happy pre birthday to you. Happy Birthday Momo you are so special , thank you for sharing yourself with the world, smooches always Marjorie

2 Beverly Steele said...

Thank you Momo for the blog hop....Hope you have the BEST Birthday EVER!!!!!

3 Beverly Steele said...

Thank you Momo for the blog hop....Hope you have the BEST Birthday EVER!!!!!

4 Glora said...

Happy Birthday! And thanks so much for a week full of fun and giveaways!

5 Lynn Fox-Embrey said...

Happy Birthday to you! I have had a great week following your blog. This hop is so great.

6 Kristin said...

Happy Birthday Momo!!! I hope you have the best day you deserve it!!!

7 Ashley said...

Hippo Birdie To Ewe, Hippo Birdie To Ewe, Hippo Birdie dear MOMO..., Hippo Birdie to Ewe!!!

Have a wonderful birthday MOMO, Thank you for everything you do. I love all the pink in everyones projects.

ScrappinAsh at gmail dot com

8 Debra said...

Happy Birthday MOMO, I so enjoyed looking at the projects from everyone! I got some great inspiration! Thanks for sharing your bday with us.

9 Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY.. love your blog.. i visited all the blogs and loved everyone's projects.. everyone did an awesome job.. i love blog hops..

wishesnkisess said...

Fantastic hop visted everyone have a great birthday .Your blog is awesome keep up the inspiring ideas your such a creative lady

11 Denise-Scrapmouse said...

The blog hop was fun and I discovered some new sites with some very talented crafters. Thanks for sharing your birthday with all of us. It's been a fun week. Hope you have a great birthday on 10/10/10. Wow that's an awesome date!

coupondenise at live dot com

12 Live Love and Scrap said...

Okay...I am commenting on this one and you cant stop me LOL!!!

What an AMAZING of the best ever, and I am not just saying that cause i am in it =)
So much talent!!!! Everyone did a fantastic job!!!

Now....go have the BEST birthday ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


13 Unknown said...

Happy Birthday.. I love the idea of a birthday blog hop. This is amazing.

14 M.J. Rutledge said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for lining up such a group of talented ladies. The blog hop was a lot of fun!

15 M.J. Rutledge said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for lining up such a group of talented ladies. The blog hop was a lot of fun!

16 CricutLvr!! said...

Happy Happy Birthday Momo! You give so many people so much through friendship and inspiration.... So heres wishing you get SPOILED ROTTEN!!!
Great hop by the way! Super cute projects!!!!

17 Gayle said...

Happy Birthday Momo!! Thanks for all the videos you do :)

18 girlia said...

Thanks again Momo for the opportunity to win. This blog hop is going to be fun.
Again, Happy Birthday to you, and I will be one of the well wishers on U-stream.

19 slbt17 said...

WOW! Happy Birthday - thanks for the fun - I loved all the inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Momo..

I am a dedicated follower of your of my favorites are your u stream...The blog hopping was great, we crafter just love you so much...

I hope you have a wonderful weekend birthday an mya all you DREAMS come true.


21 Craftyhomemade said...

Thanks for do this blog hop. I have to thank you Momo, because you have been so inspiration to me and you have share all your crafty knowlodge with us so thanks. I really like all the trail from the hop, they´re such a crafty and talent ladys that I really enjoy blogging. I got a lot of great idea, that I can`t wait to use on some projects. Thanks.

22 jennsherburne said...

Happy Birthday to you. Great blog hope you put together, so many talented people in one spot.

23 Melissa said...

Almost there! Hope you have a fantastic day before your birthday!

Anonymous said...

Hi momo I'm starting out here on your blog hop. Thanks for having it and Happy Birthday!


Anonymous said...

First of alll HAPPPPPPPY BIRTHDAY!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you have a wonderful day....The hop was absolutely amazingl... Abosolutely wonderful creations and inspirations......

26 Barbara said...

Momo, I just came back from your amazing blog hop. All of the ladies made great projects. And I was happy to see that they were all posted this early in the morning. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

27 Adrian said...

The hope was awesome! They did a fantastic job, OMG! U are so blessed to have such wonderful friends adn they are very talented too:)



28 Kimmie said...

The blog hop was amazing!! Happy Birthday to you!! Thanks for letting us all enjoy this special day! Have a fantastic birthday and here's to hoping you get lots of crafty goodness!

Kim G.

kakrnach at yahoo dot com

29 Adrea said...

I loved all the creative ideas. So many NEW ideas from some old cartridges or techniques. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

30 Cricutcrazylisa said...

GREAT HOP!!!!!! Will you get to see your nrw craft room tomorrow? VIDEO of the MOMENT PLEASE!!

31 Pammejo said...

Happy Birthday Momo, loved the hop. So many fabulous ideas. Thanks to all who shared. Became a follower so I will be able to see more.

32 Deb said...

Happy Birthday Momo!!! Hope you have a great day!! Thanks for the blog stuff!!!


33 SpantastiKreations said...

First of all.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

What a great line up. I LOVED the hop. So much fun.


34 931thumbs said...

Happy Birthday your videos and this blog hop is sooo fun Hugs Carol hornc48@Yahoo,com

35 Banner Market said...

WIshing you a beautiful Birthday to you! Hope you have a wonderful and fun day filled with great laughter and delight!
Your blog hop was Awesome! the most talented ppl on blog land where in attendance and I had a blost seeing all of their wonderful creativeness they did in your honor. I am a follower of mostly all of them and was so happy to see them celebrate your birthday in grand style!
Cant wait till your live feed where we can sing along with you, I ll be there!
Happy Birthday MOMO and thank you for all you do! Its a pleasue to of gotten to know you a little and I hope to get to know you more.
Have a wonderful day
raegina at gmail dot com

36 live well laugh often love always said...

happy blog birthday again!!!
i love peachie keen i just purchased the snoe cuties haven't gotten them yet can't wait to get them maybe today?
have a great day

37 beckwhitty said...

I just got finished hopping, and it was a blast. I saw a bunch of awesome projects and signed up for a bunch of awesome giveaways! (Wish me luck, hee hee)
I hope you have an awesome birthday!

38 GlendaLea said...

First HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!(early)
I got up super early and I LOVE all the everyone creativity! There are awesome cards, layouts and projects! Talented friends you have!
Thanks for the SUPER, AWESOME 10 days of give aways!
Love you, Have the BEST birthday!
PS Can't wait to see your new SCRAPROOM!

39 Whitloli said...

Happy Birthday, MOMO! Loved the hop - got lots of great ideas today!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win and all the inspiration found along the hop! Hope you have a great birthday!!!


40 live well laugh often love always said...

happy birthday to you!!

Anonymous said...


What a great blog hop!!! I loved it all!


42 GiGi said...

What a great hop Momo! All those gals are really talented! My hubby's birthday is also tommorow 10-10-10....He will be 40! Happy Birthday Momo!
booger1 at

43 Precious Memories Scrapbooking & More said...

Happy Birthday Girl! someone mentioned that you live in too i'm in Jackson - by six flags
The hop was a blast, this is only my 3rd & it was very inspiring!
Have a blast tomorrow!

staci - staci412 at optonline dot net

44 Tanya said...

Your Birthday Blog Hop is AWESOME! You've got some great gals participating :)

Hope your having a GREAT BIRTHDAY WEEKEND! enjoy it :)

Thanks for a great hop!!

phenis2031 at yahoo com

45 Tanya said...

Aww.. Happy Birthday crafty friend!!! Hope you had as good a time as I have. The projects ROCKED and the talent.. OMG!!! GREAT hop!!!

Hugs.. Tanya

46 Suzy said...

LOVED the blog hop. So many AWESOME projects. Would love to have some Peachy Keen stamps!! Thanks for the chance to win :) Happy early bday!!
~Suzy suzyq28024 at gmail dot com

47 Trisha said...

Ok, so normally I wouldnt comment on the person hosting the Blog Hop but Im sorry I GOTTA!!!! LOL This was the ABSOLUTE BEST blog hop I have ever been part of.....I had a blast, 1.because your an AMAZING host and 2.this group of girls are absolutely FANTASTIC!

I had an blast hoping along too and these Peachy Keen Stamps are awesome! I'd love to have to chance to win them! AND i cannot wait to USTREAM Tomorrow night and sing happy birthday to you! hehehe

xoxoxox, Trish

48 ScrappyJess said...

Happy almost Birthday MOMO!!

Anonymous said...

I'm back from hopping all around your bash for your birthday. Happy birthday! Thanks for having this


anita cannon said...

Happy Birthday Eve----you are the GREATEST and I have learned so much from you.I hope you have the best birthday ever.
Love, Anita Cannon

51 Saundra said...

Super great birthday bog hop! I loved all the great birthday ideas. I especially liked the birthday invites made from socks to look like cupcakes. Have a wonderful birthday, Momo!

52 The Crazy Life of a Navy Wife said...

AWESOME blog hop! I got so many great birthday ideas!! Thank you for the blog hop and HAPPY early BIRTHDAY!!!!
cporter519 at yahoo dot com

53 breyman said...

Happy Birthday Momo! Thanks for the fun of the blog hop. There are some great prizes! These stamps are so cute!


breyman at sbcglobal dot net

54 Christina said...

Happy Birthday Momo! Thanks for sharing your week with us. Hope this is the best one yet! Have had a blast on the hop and have seen so much creativity. Some I plan on scrap lifting!!!
shewhodreamz at gmail dot com

55 GreenScrapinMachine said...

Happy Birthday Momo! You have such talented friends! I am so inspired by all of their projects and can't wait to get down to my craft studio to make some projects! Thanks for sharing their talents with us! I hope your birthday is as special as you are :)

56 jennyplace2 said...

This has been a real exciting week and then to top it all off a excellent blog hop to boot. Such a great way to spend my Saturday morning, but with all of you! Happy Birthday Momo, can not wait to see the reveal of your new scrap room

57 Valine said...

GREAT blog hop Momo! Soooo many good projects & lots of inspiration! Thank you for that!!!

58 Jeanine said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMO!!!!! This blog hop has been my favorite you have a lot of talented women on here with great ideas! Thank you for always taking the time to show us your beautiful projects and making the videos for us. THANKS <3

59 Tanya Isis Ayala said...

Happy birthday. Loved the bloghop everyone is super talented. you are no exception. I love peachy keen stamps the are fabulous

60 Julie said...

I just finished the hop, what GREAT and FABULOUS ideas. Happy Birthday Momo! Hope your special day is one you will always treasure!

Laura said...

Blog hop was great. There was a lot of great ideas. loved them all.

Happy Birthday Momo

62 Julie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMO! Just finished this Awesome Blog Hop for your Birthday. I loved all of the designers and their projects. Lots of ideas and inspiration:) Thanks for sharing with all of us!

Cricut Chick

Colleen said...

Loved the blog hop. Happy Birthday, Momo!!!

Rainbow Designs at huntel dot net

64 Brittney said...

Happy birthday - hope it's a good one! And that stamp is so original, I love it!

65 Dawn McCarty said...

I LOVED IT!!!!!!! THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST HOPS I HAVE BEEN ON. LOTS OF IDEAS. THANKS FOR HAVING A BIRTHDAY. LOL. HA HA HA. SO NEXT WEEK YOU MUST HAVE ANOTHER BIRTHDAY SO WE CAN DO IT AGAIN. tomorrow is also my husbands birthday. I have not got him anything since i am layed up in bed. That makes me so sad. Well in 4 weeks i will have to get him his present. thanks for your hard work this week on your birthday.

66 stefeni said...

Momo, this was such a great hop!! All the ladies did such wonderful projects and I learned some great ideas for future projects myself! Thanks so much!

spunkycrayon at yahoo dot com

67 Amanda said...

Your birthday blog hop was so much fun and full of inspiring work.. Thanks for the chance to win.

amandas crafts and more at hotmail dot com

68 Marianne S. said...

Your birthday bash hop has been wonderful. I love all the honors that everyone has given to you on their blogs. Happy Birthday, Momo. I hope that you have a wonderful day! Thank you for allowing us to celebrate your special day.

Marianne S.
sthquilter at gmail dot com

69 Melissa said...

WOW! WOW! WOW! I just completed the hop and did I say....WOW?!?!? You recruited some fabulously talented ladies to help you celebrate!

Thanks for the fun!

Jenn Q said...

Great Hop! Lots of awesome birthday projects! Happy Birthday!!!

jenniferquaintance at yahoo dot com

71 Pamela Lash said...

Happy B-Day, are truly an inspiration and I love your videos. The blog hop was great and I saw so many treasures along the way. PKS are wonderful and make any project just more special.

pam_lash at yahoo dot com

72 flowerdisco said...

aww sweet momo...of course we love you they way you are because you are a sweetheart.
i just wish you the best again, many blessings from above and many, many, many more birthdays full of health and joy.
Big Sweet Hug!

73 Jovan said...

I love all the birthday cards. I also love how some of the ladies used peachy keen stamps.

Happy Birthday Momo!


74 Jovan said...
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75 Jovan said...
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76 Unknown said...

It was exhausting but I had fun. Thanks for the experience. Have a Happy Birthday Momo. 8o) Espero ganarme algo.

77 Becki said...

WOW! I'm excited for your birthday party after this blog hop!! This was so much fun! Its the first blog hop that I've had a chance to follow and it was awesome! Everyone had such great ideas and projects!!

78 TheCraftyKitchen said...


I LOVED your blog hop, and I hope you did too! You deserve nothing but the best for your birthday :)

79 LesleyfromWI said...

Happy Happy Birthday to YOU!! I loved the blog hop and all the talent and inspiration that I got from all the wonderful projects that were created!! I hope you have a super dupper birthday!!

Anonymous said...

I'm excited for you! Hope tomorrow is the best birthday ever...well, no, I hope it's fantastic but they continue to get better every year. Yeah, that one lol.

81 IRW Dana said...

Happy Birthday Momo, my birthday was friday, it's a great weekend. Can't wait to get started on the blog hop. Thanks papermemories4u at yahoo dot com

82 Sandy said...

What an amazing group of talent you have picked for your blog hop! Everyones designs are very inspirational! Happy Birthday!

83 Scrappin_3rdeeschik said...

You throw an awesome party MOMO. Ty for the super sweet comment you left for me on my blog. I am always here to help you when ever you need it. :) Thanks for being so inspiring and HAPPY BIRTHDAY *<]:o)

84 Nancy said...

Hope you have a wonderful birthday and many more!! Loved the blog hop, such talent!! So nice to see what everyone is doing!!

85 janeskeepsakes said...

I enjoyed this blog hop. I got to visit many blogs I have never been to before. They are all so creative. Thank you for the chance to visit all these creative people.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Have a very special birthday, you deserve a great birthday.

86 Lisa Davis said...

Happy Birthday Momo, what amazing and inspiring talent from the participators for your blog hop. I have really enjoyed myself looking at all of the happy projects and I really love it when they included a video. Enjoy your day!
Lisa Davis

87 Jenn said...

I think this has been the best blog hop yet! All the projects were great and it is hard to pick a favorite but I think it would have the be the "cake" that Julie made! Hope you got it in time for your special day!! Enjoy it!

88 said...

Happy Birthday MOMO!!!! I am hopeing that I will be around for the Live stream for your B-Day Party!! Thanks for the chance to win and have a great day!!


89 Karen S. said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! The blog hop was so much fun - such great projects! Thanks for the chance to win these stamps! I have both paper doll carts but no peachy keen stamps to go with them yet! :) Have a great birthday tomorrow!

90 Christy said...

Loved it!!! Had a great time!!!

91 LadybugCarrie said...

Happy Birthday Momo! You are such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your creativity! :-)
And thank you for hosting a great blog hop! It was so much fun with so many talented crafters!

92 VeronicaA said...

Happy happy to you. I'll add the "birthday" This has been one of the best blog hops ever. I have thoroughly enjoyed the projects and seeing all of the variations if similar ideas were used. I've gotten some awesome ideas. Thanks so much for allowing us to share in your special day and thanks for the opportunity to win.

93 scrapaholicjen said...

Momo,this blog hop was AWESOME!!! Have a fabulous birthday!
qtme2003 at yahoo dot ca

94 Tana said...

Happy Birthday!

95 My time to scrap !!! :-} said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMO... you have some super talented friends. Have a great birthday.

96 IRW Dana said...

Momo, I just finished your great blog hop. We're leaving town today so I had to "hop" fast. LOL Every one had such wonderful projects. I hope to do some of the projects next week when we get back. Thanks for a wonderful birthday weekend. papermemories4u at yahoo dot com

97 Janel said...

I just love the Blog Hop! I am always searching for new blogs to follow and this was a great Birthday idea! Have a fun birthday and look forward to many more amazing cards!

98 Cathie w said...

this was my first hop and it was great so much shared talent inspired me


99 Raven B said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! The hop was amazing. ALL of the projects were so creative and the videos were great.
thatsmerb at gmail dot com

100 Tami said...

You need to have more birthdays, Momo. What a great day and so many creative people. Thanks for sharing your day.

101 amandainpa said...

Happy Birthday Momo! This is so much fun, thanks for celebrating with us!

102 Tammy said...

Happy Happy Birthday My Crafty Friend!! The blog hop has been super fun and I have gotten much inspiration from it (and a few ideas I am craft-lifting! LOL) Thanks so much for the chance to win the PK face stamps, I don't have this set and would love to give it a loving home!! LOL

103 Scrappy Jackie said...

Thank you for the hop! And I am so excited for your birthdaY!

104 The Scrappin Diva said...

These ladies are amazining but you know that because that is why you picked them. Happy Birthday Momo

105 juelmarie said...

just love these peachy keens and love your personality - too cute!

106 forpahl5 said...

I thought the hop was fun! I have recently just found out about hops! I love to see everyone's ideas, they are so creative!

107 Mrs.Debbie said...

Happy birthday to you hope your day is very relaxing


108 MTNestor said...

So enjoyed your birthday Blog Hop!!! Happy Birthday a day early! enjoy your special day :-)


109 Gloria said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY a day early!! Thank you so much for the blog hop. It has been so much fun and can't wait to see what else is in store for everyone. All the projects were so amazing. It was very evident how much all the paticipants love you.
-Gloria- kidsrmybiz at charter dot net

110 Erika said...

Happy Birthday!!!

10/10/10 is VERY special to me. It's my 1st wedding anniversary!!

Hope you have a fabulous birthday..

111 Anna said...

WOW What an awesome blog hop for a special lady. You are so loved and blessed. I hope your birthday is the best one yet. Thank you for the chance to win all these awesome prizes.
annadowdy at gmail dot com

112 Giselle said...

That was fun Momo!!! Hope you are having fun already!! The hop was awesome, a lot of inspiration. I have to say, my favorite was Sarah from Live, Love and Scrap!! I love cupcakes and I haven't use my sweet treats cart in a while. I think it is time to dust it off and start crafting.
Hope you have a fabulous birthday!
I'll try to make it at midnight to say Happy Birthday :)

113 millieheavenlyscrapping said...

Feliz cumpleanos a ti, Felix cumpleanos a ti,Feliz cumpleanos Momo Feliz cumpleanos. I spend the whole morning watching and admiring all the amazing blogs. all these ladies are so talented including yourself now im off to craft with all these ideas. Happy Birthday Momo

Anonymous said...

A big Happy Birthday to you, Momo. Thi was a wonderful blog hop. I got so many ideas from everyone. You're a "peach" for hosting this hop. Thanks for sharing with us.

115 Melissa said...

Wow Momo, first just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!!! You sure know how to throw a bash, the line up of all that talent was great!! I really enjoyed it and thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to win!

116 A Soul's Heartbeat said...

Oh Momo this has been such a fun morning hopping from blog to blog. Congrats on your blog birthday and you Happy Day Birthday! Thanks so much for hosting this super Blog Hop!

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday Momo! And what a wonderful way to celebrate it. I had so much fun hopping around to all the blog's today, all the girls are so talented and provided so much inspiration. Hope you have a WONDERFUL day!

118 michelle said...

Happy Birthday a day early hope you have a wonderfull Birthday tomarrow. Thanks for letting al of us share this awsome day with you. I would love to win the PK stamps because i dont own any yet but i love them .

119 quilt4fun2 said...

Happy Birthday Momo!! I hope you have a fabulous day. Congratulations on your 1 year Anniversary...many more. Thank You for your 10 days of Birthday and for the blog hop. There were so many wonderful cards, pages and projects...such a talented group for the hop. Thanks to all.
quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

120 *Angela* said...

I loved this blog hop, thank you so much for hosting it! I was subscribed to some of your pals already, but what a treat for me to find so many more talented ladies to follow!

121 Cristi said...

Happy Birthday sweet friend!! I hope you are having a wonderful Birthday!! Thank you so much for including me in your hop. Oh I would love these stamps!!
Big Hugs

122 ~Heidi said...

What fun it has been to hop along for your birthday! So many great wishes and projects!!! Happy Birthday to you!!!!

123 mbchoj said...

Wow what a great hop! Such talented ladies and so many great ideas! Thanks for having us and happy Bday!
mbchoj at

124 Lezlye said...

Awesome hop Momo, only thing is I wish I could have participated too! Looks like so much fun! Have a Great Birthday!

125 A Jillian Vance Design said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

126 Thomas said...

Hi Momo! My name is Tom and my girlfriend is obsessed with your blog she has to check it every day. So I thought I would leave a comment to help her win a prize!


127 Marilyn said...

Happy Birthday to You Momo!! Wonderful blog hop, thank you for organizing it!

128 Courtney said...

Loved the hop! Happy early birthday!

129 Deanna Mulder said...

Happy Birthday a day early Momo! Hope it is a great one. What a fantastic blog hop, lots of talent and inspiration along the way. Thanks for sharing your special day with us.

130 pennykitz said...

Happy Birthday Momo hope we can meet soon too!!!
OMG this blog hop is the bomb....
I have seen some of the most wonderful projects ever...The talent on this hop just shocks me it is amazing..I have spent the whole afternoon hopping from site to site and my mind has been so inspired from all of the ladies involved. Thank you so much for the sheer joy I have recieved today. My birthday is the 20th and I am looking forward to it now.
Again Thank You

131 Annette M said...

happy, happy birthday Momo! Loved the blog hop! So many talented crafters!

132 jennyplace2 said...

Had a great time hopping, everryone did a amazing job with there projects. You have a wonderful group of friends and are a very lucky lady! Someday maybe I be will love by a few the way you are! Have a very grand Birthday.

133 MeMe said...

I have loved your b-day blog hop. Thanks for inviting me to the party.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh MOMO you really got the best of best of talented friends...great hop.. have to tell you I thinks I been here for over an hour..reading this girls... love it...


The prize is PK stamps...

135 Kerry T said...

Have a Happy Birthday Momo! An awesome blog hop with amazingly talented ladies.

136 scrappin2babygirls said...

thanks for the hop Momo.. just finished it up. U chose some great people for your hop they all are so very telented thanks again!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! hope you have a wonderful day.

137 Shaunta said...

The hop was awesome... I feel like I've used that word a million times today! The projects were amazing... you put together a very talented group of ladies to celebrate with. Hope you have the best birthday ever... until next year of course!

138 Unknown said...

SOOO loved the blog hop MOMO!! Hope you ahve an awesome birthday.. Thanks for picking awesome all their stuff!!

felkatz at gmail dot com

139 Liza said...

Happy Birthday!! this was my first blog hop and i enjoyed it!! Thank you!! Enjoy your day!

140 Abby said...

FELIZ CUMPLEños!!!!!!! Hope you have a wonderful bday!!! Can't wait to see your new room!!!!!

Had sooo much fun with Blog Hop!!!

141 tammy said...

Happy Birthday Momo!! This has been a great Blog Hop...thanks so much! You truly selected THE most talented girls....I am in awe!


142 jd designs said...

Oh my goodness... what a hop! All the projects were just so wonderful! Great designers...

Happy Birthday, Momo!

~ JD ~

143 Amanda said...

Happy Birthday!!!!! I loved the blog hop :O) Everyone made some great stuff :O)
Amanda B
amanda.barger at

144 Cheryl Gaffney said...

Happy Birthday Momo!!

You have some wonderful blogging friends that throw such a great birthday blog hop!! You sure are loved!! :)

Cheryl @

145 Carolyn said...

Happy Birthday and thank you for the hop in your honor. This has been really fun and I found some great new birthday ideas that I have not seen before.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! So many great things on the blog hop and learned so many new tricks and ideas. Love them!
cnbrawley at

147 lilmisstypo said...

Now that was a blog hop .... wooooo weee ... awesome creations and awesome love they have for you .... Have a happy birthday ... I could not find a post a posted earlier on here .. so i hope this nis not a duplicate post .... but i think i read the directions and actually waited to comment till the end .... have a great day . . pre bday and real bday tomm .... autumn

148 Norma said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMO!!!!!!! WOW that was so much fun and a lot of great projects!! The ladies did a fantastic job and Momo you have a bunch of great friends. HAPPY BIRTHDAY again!!!!!!
Many hugs,

149 Patti Ross said...

WOW, what a blog hop. I have so many ideas now, I need to run to the studio...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOMO!!

Anonymous said...

Your blog hop was so much fun. What a group of talented ladies. They are amazing.I love blog hops. They have allowed me to find people that are so creative. I love that people are willing to share their ideas. I hope to start my own blog in the near future, but for now I'll keep stalking yours and all of these others that I've found. Thank you for sharing your talent. You have been such an inspiration.

151 3JewelsArt said...

Wow Momo what a hop! Thank you so much for letting us join you in your birthday fun! I love your blog you are such an inspiration. Happy Birthday! Hope you have the best birthday ever!

munky77 at comcast dot net

152 Heather said...

Happy day before your birthday. Thank you so much for this hop. You give so much of yourself to us and we appreciate it. I have gotten so many ideas and so little time :) Do I need to sleep, eat and work? :)

I hope your birthday is wonderful and that you have a great day.

uofkgirl at gmail dot com

153 -Nicole- said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOMO!!! I loved this blog hop!! It's great to get ideas from all the wonderful ladies. My favorite part of the hop was finding some new blogs that I hadn't seen before. You had quite a few ladies that have husbands in the Military, so it was nice to be able to pass along thanks for what they do as well. Thanks again for your blog...I check it DAILY!! (Ok, sometimes more than just once a day!!)

tigger945 at gmail dot com

154 VICTORIA said...

well i got thru all of them Momo and there was so many great ideas and gifts. It seams like it took me about 2 hours or more. I was afraid to quit thinking i wouldn't remember where i stopped lol. Hope you have a really great day. Happy Birthday

155 D1NonlyAnnmarie said...

LOVE the birthday blog hop... I always either see something I would have never thought of doing or bump into a new blog I've never been to before. Happy day before your bday.

156 Mary said...

Love the blog hop, I am going back to visit everyone again soon, I couldn't bring up Joanna's blog, I will try again tomorrow! Everyone just loves you Momo, and I have to say you're the best, "10" you are! I can see why your birthday is 10 10 10!!!! I did learn a lot from the blogs and like I said I will visit them again soon.
mhalford6 @aol. com

Anonymous said...

Hi Momo,
Your birthday day blog hop was so much fun!!! Lots of really awesome projects! Thanks so much for such a great hop! Happy Birthday!!!!!!

158 My Quilling Nest said...

Momo this Hop was so much fun and what awesome talents!!! The projects were all fabulous. Have a Blessed and Happy Birthday!
Quilled Hugs,
Linda K.

myquillingnest at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

This was Awesome! So much talent, I enjoyed looking at all of the blogs and projects. Happy Birthday!!!

160 Debbie said...

Momo wow Happy Birthday girl, you rock, this was so amazing and all the projects were awesome I am gonna go back and look at some of them again, I hope you have a wonderful birthday you deserve the best so I wish you all the happiness there is and much more, can't wait to see your new craft room thanks for keeping me so inspired here Debbie @

161 Ryansmaama said...

Happy Birthday to you. All of the projects were amazing. A really group of talented ladies you assembled for us.--Ryansmaama

162 Liz said...

Very fun birthday hop!! All of the projects were great and now I have fun idea's running through my head. Happy Birthday tomorrow - hope it's a great one!!

163 Tami B. said...

Have a Happy birthday! Enjoyed the hop & got some really good ideas too.
Thanks to all of you ladies who participated.

164 Teri said...

Thanks for the blog hop- that was soooo much fun!!!! I hope you have a super great birthday tomorrow. I will try to watch your Ustream tomorrow.

165 Charlotte said...

Hope your birthday is great!! Fun hop111111

166 Nicole said...

What an awesome blog hop! A very talented line up you had, with wonderful inspiration! I had a blast seeing everyone's birthday ideas.

167 Dori said...

That was an awesome hop!! Everyone did so good on their projects! Thanks!!

Hope you have a great Birthday!!


168 shanna13 said...

This was an awesome blog hop. Everyone had such great projects to share. Happy Birthday Momo

169 Scrappin' Sista said...

Happy birthday fellow October baby. I had a blast on the hop. Great projects. Thanks for having us over into your world. Have a blast tomorrow and I'll continue the celebration on Monday. YEAH.

christel (at) majesticdesigns (dot) net

170 liz at liz's paper loft said...

happy happy birthday to you! this was a super blog hop! lots of great ideas too! thanks for the fun!
liz :o)
heikdog at sbcglobal dot net

Nancy C. said...

Happy - Happy Birthday! I am enjoying the hop so much! Have a great day!

172 Peggy Sue said...

wow, to have all that talent yourself and to be surronded by such talent is awesome!! thanks for having the hop, it was fun!
Happy Birthday!

173 Totally Twisted Cards said...

First off HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! I loved your blog and seeing all the awesome birthday projects that everyone created. Thanks so much for hosting the blog. It was awesome!


stacy at mycraftingtime dot com

174 Ladies Prayer Group said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!!
What a fun birthday celebration!

175 maryanns said...

Happy Birthday, Momo! Thanks for the opportunity to visit your friends' blogs. I enjoyed all of the blogs. I can't wait to see pictures of your craft room. Enjoy your day tomorrw and may you have many more happy, healthy birthdays to come!

176 Jessica Wekenman said...

Happy Birthday, Momo! I know it'll be awesome, you totally deserve it! I loved the hop! So much talent and fabulous inspiration! Thanks for the chance at those awesome PK stamps! *hugs*

177 L8ybug2 said...

Wow! What great blogs. I've added the ones I didn't already have to my favorites so i can keep up with them. So much inspiration, so many ideas, so little time. Thanks and Happy, Happy Birthday!

178 StephanieR said...

Awesome Hop!!! Happy Birthday Momo!! Hope you have a great one! Thanks for sharing your talent with all of us!!

179 Heather said...

This was one of the best hops I have seen!! I loved seeing all of the birthday inspiration. I hope you have a fabulous day tomorrow! Oh, and I really want those stamps! Thanks for the chance to win!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com

180 Unknown said...

Happy, Happy Birthday! Thanks so much for having one--and inspiring this super Blog Hop! Karelj ksjennings(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this great blog hop!
Love all there great ideas they all have. Thanks for a chance to win.

182 Renee said...

Happy birthday!!!! thanks for a great blog hop!!!

183 *Star said...

Happy Birthday Momo!! I hope you have a super fabulous birthday!!!
Thanks for the blog hop. I had so much fun seeing what everyone created. :) They are all so inspirational!
Have a great day.

star24601 at gmail dot com

184 Lulu's Scraps said...

happy bday momo!!!

Awesome blog hop :) such talent all around ....

lsglincoln at hotmail dot com

185 Amanda Villarreal said...

what an awesome blog hop! This was by far the best i have participated in. Happy Birthday MOMO!

186 buglvr2010 said...

Happy Birthday, Momo! I just finished the blog hop and it was awesome! So many great projects.

I hope you have an amazing birthday.

buglvr2010 at gmail dot com

187 Tanya Isis Ayala said...

great giveaway one more day for the big celebration

188 Lovebug Creations said...

Happy Birthday, Momo!! :) I loved the hop! SO many wonderful projects and blogs! I hope you have a great Bday and that your room is done or close!! That was super sweet of your hubby!! Thanks again for the lovely hop!!

lovebugcreations3 at gmail dot com

189 Barb said...

What a totally wonderful blog hop! Each stop along the way had such creative ideas. Thanks for letting all of us share you birthday week. Hope it was exciting for you! Happy Birthday.

190 Linda said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMO!!!! I hope you have a great day tomorrow. Thank you for a GREAT Blog hop, I had so much fun and all the ladies did an amazing job.

191 Hannah's Stampin' Nana said...

Momo..1st a very Happy Birthday to you.. hope its as special as you are :-)

2nd.. what an amazing birthday hop.. everyone one of those girls made amazing projects, I have a list of things I want to make from seeing their projects.


lostnwa98 at frontier dot com

192 Louie said...

COOL HOP!! Really was able to get a lot of a ideas... wish u a AWESOME day and will definitely be going back to all the blogs..

193 Alli H. said...

Happy Birthday Momo. I completed the hop and I was so impressed with all of the projects. I LOVED that paper cake. It was beautiful. Thank you for a chance to enter to win the stamps. I hope that you had a great birthday hop.


194 Cricut Matriarch said...

Happy, happy birthday! Hope you are having a great birthday weekend.
What a great idea for celebrating!

Gotta love those PK Stamps too!

195 Tabitha said...

Happy Birthday to you!!!
This is so awesome and it was my first time following a blog hop. Very cool will be following you ladies more often. Thanks for a chance to win. You ladies did a fantastic job, I am so jealous. LOL
tabitha4cm at yahoo dot com

196 Steven and Blythe said...

Happy Birthday! Lots of talented women and great ideas! Thank you!

197 Yvette said...

First things first, Feliz Cumpleanos Mari. Many blessings tomorrow and more.

Second, WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW!!! Did I tell you WOW!!! LOL Awesome blog hop!!!! I totally enjoyed it.


ewokyoda at yahoo

198 sucor said...

Happy Birthday Momo! I finished the hop and I enjoyed seeing everyone's great projects! Lots of inspiration!

199 Luv-To-Scrap said...

Hope you are having a great birthday! The birthday hop was so much fun. Have some great ideas. I can't wait to try some of them. Thanks for letting us share your day.

200 Nhi P. Tran said...

Cumpleanos Feliz MOMO. Your birthday blog hop is by far my favorite blog hop. You assembled some very talented ladies. I got lots of inspiration.

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