Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day #5 Birthday Bash Giveaway!

Hello Everyone,

Monday got the best of me and I could not complete my project! I will have it up some time Tuesday with a video. Probably later in the day because I am having lunch with Trish tomorrow and it is going to be a long drive there and back! :o) I put this photo up on my facebook earlier but thought you guys might enjoy it too! This is my mapquest for tomorrow, I am crossing Florida! Its not as long of a trip as it looks! :o) 
So here is your giveaway for the day! I wanted you guys to have something to look forward to in the morning! Now this sponsor I learned about from Meighen. She has done 2 videos showing this product and I am just in love with it. Once I get my experession I am getting one of my own!

So today's giveaway is sponsored by Kathy from Kathy's Cozies! She makes the most adorable Cricut and Cuttlebug Dust Covers! CLICK HERE to visit her Blog and Shop! Here is a photo of the one she is donating as a giveaway!
I absolutely love the colors and pattern on this one!!! So cute!!!

So in order to win this you have to do the following:

1. Leave me a comment on this post telling me your favorite color!
2. For 3 extra chances to win. Follow Kathy on her Facebook by CLICKING HERE!

(If you follow her on Facebook please let me know by leaving a comment on this post!)

Remember to check back later for my project and video! Also, if you have not already entered the other giveaways for the week scroll down and you will see Day #1- Day #4. All winners will be announced on October 11th.


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 284   Newer›   Newest»
1 jennyplace2 said...

I"m #1 my favorite colours are pink and black. TF the fun give away!

2 jennyplace2 said...

Just went over and liked Kathy on Facebook.

3 Abby said...

Just came back from Liking her page, and OMG!!! SOOOO CUTE!!!!!

4 Abby said...

and my fave would have to be the lady bug one!!!!! SO Adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 Glora said...

This is SOOOOOOOO cute! I have to check out her facebook page. My favorite colors are pink and blue. me at glorajean dot com.

6 Glora said...

I just like Kathy on facebook. Cute covers.

7 Denise-Scrapmouse said...

My favorite color is pink. So winning this cute cricut cover would be cool. It's very pretty and I love the color! Thank you.

coupondenise at live dot com

8 Norma said...

I love pink and green. I'm a follower of Kathy's blog since I don't have facebook. She has some amazing covers for the expression and cuttlebug!

9 365 Days of Cricut said...

So cute!! My fav color is PINK!! Yep since I was a little girl. I "liked" Kathy's FB page. Even if I don't win this I think I want to get one from her they are just so adorable. Have a safe trip and have fun driving across Florida!!

10 Cathie Rigby said...

This is beautiful. She did a fantastic job. This reminds me of the Bo Bunny paper out this year.

11 Melissa said...

Ooo! Oooo! Ooooo!! I just received one of these a few weeks ago from a friend as a gift and I have to tell you all that Kathy's workmanship is phenomenal!!! I would love a chance to win another to pass on to one of my friends!

Thanks for the chance Momo and thanks for sponsoring her blog Kathy!


12 GlendaLea said...

My favorite color is Pink and I am now I like Kathy's FB page! I asked if she did these for the Imagine! I would love one for that machine as well! Thanks for the chance to win! Glenda

13 GlendaLea said...

My favorite color is Pink and I am now I like Kathy's FB page! I asked if she did these for the Imagine! I would love one for that machine as well! Thanks for the chance to win! Glenda

14 crafty queen said...

I love these covers. My favorite color is sage green, but should I win...I'm not fussy. Thanks

15 GlendaLea said...

Signed up for Kathy's page

Anonymous said...

I have seen these dust covers before that she makes!! They are just adorable!! Plus, this one has my favorite color in it!! PINK!!

LEB30 at verizon dot net

17 girlia said...

My favorite color is blue, but the pattern on this one is really cute.

18 Melissa said...

I am now gladly following Kathy on FB for my 3 extra chances to win! Fingers crossed!


19 Stephanie said...

Hiya Momo!

I've seen the cozy Mary has and knew she received it in a rak but I wanted one for me LOL This is beautiful!
PINK is my favorite color. I'm following Kathy on FB too, I went over and peeked at all of her cozy pics, she is super talented! :)

20 Unknown said...

growing up almost everything I bought was blue, but now I have become a fan of green especially the light shades.
Happy Birthdat again

21 Monica said...

Hey Momo!!! My Favorite colors are red, black and white! Thanks for this great giveaway!!



22 Craftyhomemade said...

Hi, Momo I love it, ny favorite color is blue. Thanks.

23 Craftyhomemade said...

I just Like Kathy on Facebook.

24 Stephie C said...

loveeee the tropical paradise one!
sunni08 at gmail dot com

25 Stephie C said...

I like on FB as Stephanie Cobb
sunni08 at gmail dot com

26 Stephie C said...

I like on FB as Stephanie Cobb 2
sunni08 at gmail dot com

27 Stephie C said...

I like on FB as Stephanie Cobb 3
sunni08 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Greatest gift ever.... My favorite color is pink.....so this will be perfect for me.... Thank you and Kathy for the wonderful giveaway

Anonymous said...

I am now following Kathy's facebook

30 Seahorse Creations said...

So cute, love the colors. Have a safe trip today, enjoy lunch and your visit.

31 Seahorse Creations said...

So cute, love the colors. Have a safe trip today, enjoy lunch and your visit.

picassobebe said...

Awesome!!! THKS for the wonderful giveways. It look like it's our birthday instead of yours.Sooo much goodies!!!! Special of the day Alligator shishkabobs LOL I mean it is alligator alley. LOL Have fun and be careful PLEASE.

33 Alifen said...

Hi Momo

Just love the dust covers - what a good idea!
My favourite colour has to be green.
I'm not on facebook!


alisonfen at westnet dot com dot au

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this cover, It will look cool in my soon to be new craft room . jbgard@hotmail.com Barbara

Anonymous said...

I have seen these before and love them. She does such a great job my favorite colors are pink and black.Kelly


Anonymous said...

I am also following karht cozies. Barbara jbgard@hotmqil.com

37 AmberO said...

Those covers are so cute! My favorite colors are pink and yellow!

I'm following Kathy on her facebook page :0)


38 ScrappyScavenger said...

That is much too cute, I love green, and Brown, Most jewel tones! Im not a pink lady...Thanks for the give aways and Thank You Kathy! Im now Following the FB!

39 L8ybug2 said...

My favorite color is purple/pink. Great prize! I have Kathy on FB. Thanks! Rita

40 Paula-Scrap Addict said...

I love purple & lime green, they don't have to be together but they can be. I "liked" Kathy on FB! I'd love one of these covers :-)

41 LesleyfromWI said...

Love it. Sorry I am one of the few not on FB but I am a follower of your blog. My favorite colors are pink and black!

42 LesleyfromWI said...

Love it. Sorry I am one of the few not on FB but I am a follower of your blog. My favorite colors are pink and black!

43 Scrappinbutterfly said...

My favorite color is green but my favorite color combination is black and red. Thanks for sharing.

44 live well laugh often love always said...

sure did hop right over to facebook
joined the like team and hopped right back
i love the pink roses (symbolize breast cancer awareness)

45 stefeni said...

She makes such cute covers! My favorite color is PINK! Hot pink :)

spunkycrayon at yahoo dot com

46 Heather said...

OMG those covers are beautiful. I really like the floral elegance. When I get a craft room in our new house (hopefully ours sells soon) I am doing pink and black so that one would be perfect.

I am a fan of hers on FB. Can't wait to explore her sight more.

uofkgirl at gmail dot com

47 stefeni said...

I just became a fan of hers on FB!

spunkycrayon at yahoo dot com

48 quilt4fun2 said...

Have a fun and safe trip! I did follow Kathy on Facebook and my favorite color is Red. Of all the covers I love the print best on the photo and also the pink roses on black was a good one. Didn't see one I didn't like! Wonderful covers.

49 Angelesdeo said...

My favorite color is Pink.

I am following Kathy on her Facebook page.

angelesdeo @cableonda.net

50 Melissa said...


51 craftymom205 said...

My favorite color is purple.

52 Heather said...

My favorite color is purple! Thanks for the chance to win!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com

53 Heather said...

I just "liked" Kathy on fb. These are so cool! What a great idea!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com

54 Tanya said...

Very pretty cover :) My favorite has always been purple!

phenis2031 at yahoo dot com

55 Jocelyn said...

Beautiful cricut expression cover! I need one! LOL! My favorite color is purple. I'm now following Kathy on Facebook!

56 Tanya said...

Yay! I am following Kathy on facebook, 3 extra chances :)

Megan H. said...

I really need to win this dust cover. I was going to make one, however, I am not a sewer and it wouldn't look this beautiful. My favorite color is purple.
Megan H.
mhcards at embarqmail dot com

58 Diana said...

My favorite is pink - so this would be perfect!


59 Amanda Villarreal said...

She has some cute designs! I am now a fan of hers on Facebook. Thanks for the opportunity to win. :)

60 Valine said...

Have a fun & safe trip! Tell Trish Hi!! :) As for my fav color...it's PURPLE!!! And I def fanned Kathy on Facebook!


Anonymous said...

ohh I love the black and white one with the butterflys

62 IRW Dana said...

Happy Happy Birthday Momo, so many wonderful things this week. Have a great lunch. Kathy does great work and love to see all the covers she does. Pink is my favorite color, it's also the color of my scrap room. Have a great day! papermemories4u at yahoo dot com

63 Madison said...

Momo, these are really cool. I love the idea of covering my Expression. I "LIKED" Kathy's FB page under my mom's FB account since I am a minor, Cindy Accornero- Womack. I thought the Black and White one with the butterflies was really pretty. I love colors but black and white looked cool:)
~Madison www.funkycards.blogspot.com

64 Jamiecrafts said...

these are really cool, i have been looking at them for some time now :) my favorite color has to be turquoise!

joann valdez said...

these are so adorabloe. i love the pink and brown one. the cuttlebug ones are also adorable. i will follow her blog. thank you for a chance to win one of these. good luck everyone.

66 Jennie Garcia said...

They are so cute I've never seen that blog before but I love the Chocolate Dreams. TFS!! Take Care!!
Jennie @ http://earthyscrap.blogspot.com/

67 Kitty said...

Thoses are so cute.My favorite color is purple :)

68 Krystal M. said...

The cozies are too cute! My favorite color is pink and I am now a follower of Kathy's Cozies :) Thanks for the chance to win.

69 Unknown said...

My favorite color is navy blue. Thanks for the chance to win.

70 DEBBIE ORR said...

I just went to facebook and became a follower of kathy's my favorite color is pink and turquoise

71 janeskeepsakes said...

I love pink and light green. I am a follower. I have been to facebook to LIKE. Thank you for sharing.

72 pinkyswr said...

My Favorite color is pink and black..ty for the chance..


73 pinkyswr said...

I just liked Kathy on her page..and i have to say i really like the red/black and white one...and the black and white one too!!

74 Wendy said...

My favorite color is blue. And Kathy looks so talented!

Wendy T.

75 Jen's Creation Station Studio said...

This cover is sooo pretty! My favorite color is purple (my studio has strong highlights in purple!) and I'm now following Kathy! Thanks for sharing the link to her facebook page with us!

jen_chadwick at hotmail dot com

76 Scrappy Jackie said...

my favorite color... just one.... teal!

77 Scrappy Jackie said...

I went over to like her... but I already had! I think I bought my pretty cover for my expression from her awhile back! They are all so pretty!

78 Unknown said...

My favorite color is pink and I am following her on FB too

Thanks for an awesome giveaway

Burffrau @ aol dot com

79 Courtney said...

Those are so adorable! Even if I don't win I'm buying one of these! My favorite color is PURPLE!

80 Vicki said...

My current favorite color is lilac. (It was blue for years.)

81 Vicki said...

I am now a facebook fan of Kathy.

Karen said...

My favorite color is blue, I wear a lot of blue and black. Thanks for the chance to win this cover, I would love to be the proud owner of this gift.

83 Marionment said...

I hope you enjou your trip. My favorite color is purple. Thanks for a chance to win.

84 CricketHunter said...

MOmo Good Morning. Queen's Choice is my favorite cozie but all of them are beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win. I am a follower on Kathy's blog. Thanks!

85 Miranda said...

My favorite color is Pink!!!!!!

86 Miranda said...

I liked Kathy on facebook! Thanks for the chance to win!!!! WooHoo!


87 Cheryl Gaffney said...

Hey Momo!!

My favorite colors are green and purple. Thanks for the wonderful giveaways... I really need an expression cozy!! :)

Cheryl @ CardsbyCG.blogspot.com

88 Cheryl Gaffney said...

I now "like" Kathy's Cozies on FB! :)

Cheryl @ CardsbyCG.blogspot.com

89 Cheryl Gaffney said...

I now follow Kathy over at http://kathyscozies.blogspot.com/

Cheryl @ CardsbyCG.blogspot.com

90 Cheryl Gaffney said...

And I've added Kathy to my favorites list on Etsy at :

Cheryl @ CardsbyCG.blogspot.com

91 Tracy said...

Have fun on your trip Momo - how FUN! :)

My favorite color right now is PINK - It's so funny because I was always a "blue" kind of girl but since I've had my blog I love PINK....being the mom of 2 boys, I have to get my "girlie" side in. :)
Be safe,

92 Celeste B. said...

What a wonderful giveaway! My favorite color is deep red (at least for today). :) Thanks so much for the chance! :)

93 Tracy said...

Also....I am now a fan of Kathy's-Cozies too....on Facebook :)

94 Celeste B. said...

I 'like'd her on FB and am following her blog (wow she's creative!!). :) Thanks again! :)

95 Ashleigh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
96 Ashleigh said...

Thank you Momo for a chance to win.
My fav color is blue

I am (and have been for a while) a follower of Kathy. Her Cozies are adorable!

aecopenhaver at gmail dot com

97 Scrappy Mel said...

1st - I'm so jealous that you guys get to meet up for lunch!!!

2nd - I followed Kathy!

3rd - My favorite color(s) are Red or Pink w/brown.

4th - Thanks for this awesome giveaway!!! I keep meaning to get one of these and never do.... :)

98 scrappin2babygirls said...

Good luck on the drive and have fun! (wish I lived in FL... lucky!) My fav color is blue..any and all shades of blue but especially its the lighter blue that used to be on the pepsi cans when they had the ice type background (lol funny way to describe it i know). thanks for the chance to win!

99 scrappin2babygirls said...

I am now a follower of Kathy on facebook also.

100 Anne said...

These cozies are so cute! I especially like the colors on the one you are showing. I am liking Kathy on Facebook and would love to win one of her cute cozies!


101 Kathy said...

Love Kathy's cozies! They are so beautiful!

102 Kathy said...

I'm already a follower of Kathy's on Facebook! Thanks!

103 GiGi said...

My favorite color is pink! So I would LOVE to win this cozy!
booger1 at tds.net

104 GiGi said...

I went over and "LIKED" Kathy's facebook page. She has some beautiful stuff on there!
booger1 at tds.net

105 SherriC. said...

Oh Momo, this cover is so nice!!!!
my favourite colour is....purple,
brodiec88 at hotmail dot com

106 Aim said...

Oh I just saw these the other day and love, love, love them!! My favorite color is orange... But I prefer pink, black and green for my craft room :)

I unfortunately do not have a facebook account (gasp!!), but I did have my friend 'LIKE' her!! Does that count? :)

I'll be crossing my fingers to win this one!! :) Thanks for the chance!

Amy :)
scrapbookingwithamy (at) gmail (dot) com

107 SherriC. said...

I just become a fan of kathy's Cozies on FB
brodiec88 at hotmail dot com

108 Debra said...

Hi there, I am now following Kathy on FB, and the red and black cover is awesome~ Thanks for the chance to play

109 Unknown said...

Isn't that just lovely! How nice it would be to have one!

Janet said...

I checked out Kathy on FB. WOW! She has amazing talent! I <3 her covers! My fav color would have to be green, it goes with everything :)

111 IRW Dana said...

I'm a follower on Kathy's facebook page. Love all the covers she has there. papermemories4u at yahoo dot com

112 littlen said...

My favorite colors are pink and blues.

113 littlen said...

Signed up to follow Kathy on FB.

114 Pink & Paper said...

OMG! That is too cute. My favorite color is pink, pink, pink! Thanks for the chance to win.

115 jen said...

Well this is super easy Momo...my favorite color is PINK and if you look at my craft room....everything is pink...lol
This would so go in my craft room on my expression!! I love it and thanks for the chance to win! I'm on my way over to her blog right now to leave a comment and follow her. I will be back to let you know when I'm done...lol
Have a super fun day with Trish and tell her hello for me.

Hugs,jen (jennyscards.blogspot.com)

116 Patty said...

WOW!!! Super cute. I will definately check out her blog asap. My favorite color use to be black (even though that is not a 'true' color). Although ever since I had my daughter I am in love with PINK!!! Have a safe trip.

Anonymous said...

Love the cozies...soo cute! My favorite color is navy or medium blue. I don't have an expression though, just the smaller 6" size. Would still love one though. I hope I win!

-Christina Brawley

cnbrawley at yahoo.com

118 jen said...

Ok Momo, I signed up on her facebook. Thanks.
Hugs,jen (jennyscards.blogspot.com)

119 Kathi Carlozzi said...

I love green. Thanks for the great pic and the great blog. Be sure to visit my new blog at:


and please become a follower. Thanks.

120 Delanee said...

I love love love pink!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks momo for the chance to win!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoyed your lunch with Trish. My favorite colors are kelly green and Navy blue! Hugs, Mollie L annaandjuliesmommie@hotmail.com

122 Valerie said...

Super cute and my favorite color is Pink of course.

vflambert at hotmail dot com

123 Valerie said...

I just liked her on facebook

vflambert at hotmail dot com

Wendy said...

My fav color(s) are pink and chocolate brown! Thanks!
rebatw@yahoo dot com

125 BreAnn said...

My favorite color is purple-that was even the color of my room all through high school! Thanks for the chance to win!

126 BreAnn said...

I'm a fan of Kathy's Cozies on FB!

127 teachdanz said...

I visited her blog and wow, she has a huge assortment and all of them so pretty!! I only have a baby bug though:-(
My fav color has and always will be purple! and I found Kathy's facebook and followed.
ikennic at q dot com
have fun with Trish!

128 tammy said...

Hope you have a fun day with Trish! Drive safely!
These cozies are so cute! I love the one on your page. My favorite color is Blue

thanks for the fun give aways!

129 aud1inok said...

My favorite color is cheery yellow.

130 buglvr2010 said...

My favorite colors are turquoise and brown...I like Kathy on Facebook. I love her covers...so cute!

131 Amanda C said...

Those covers are so cute!!! My favorite color is turquoise.

Hope you and Trish had a wonderful day!!! :)

132 Patti said...

I just visited Kathy's FB page and hit like. My favorite color is pink and it would match my expression perfectly since she is pink too.

This would be an awesome giveaway. Thanks for having it.


Anonymous said...

Road trip! :)lol. Have fun momo. My favorite color is dark purple, thanks for sharing.
Monica L.
monita23 at ca dot rr dot com

134 Maria said...

Just liked Kathy on Facebook!

135 Maria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
136 Maria said...

My favorite color is "Pink"!!!!

137 Adrian said...

Wow, great giveaway!!! MY favorite colors are red and black!

Enjoy your day with Trish!!!


138 Monica said...

What a great give away! Thanks for the chance to win MOMO! :) My favorite colours are lime green and pink. I also became a fan of Kathy on facebook!

139 Linda said...

I love blue! Have fun today on your cross state trip.

140 Erica Sivils said...

I love "Love's Desire"! So simply stunning. I have a cover for my cricut but I have always longed for a fabric one! Thanks for sharing your "treat-sures" with us!!

141 Erica Sivils said...

I also liked her on FB too!

142 Sue said...

Light purple is my favorite; I went to the website you recommended and so many Cricut Cozies and price is very reasonable also.

143 Lisa said...

My fave colour is BLUE and that dust cover is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

144 Lori said...

My favorite color is PINK & my scrapbook room is pink paisley!!! So this cover would look SOOOOOO good in my room! :o)

Thanks for the chance!

145 Lori said...

I just went and liked Kathy's facebook page! :o)


146 Unknown said...

I just love this cozy. It's gorgeous. I love the colours and the pattern.

147 Valerie said...

Oh my Goodness!!! I absolutely LOVE this Cozy!!! It has all my Favorite colors!!! Pink, brown, and green, and I also love purple. Thanks for an awesome give away.

148 Peggy Sue said...

ok, that would go great on the cricut I jfinally just got in the mail today! yea! I love green! and I am following Kathy for sure now on facebook!

149 Valerie said...

I went to Kathy's facebook page and liked her. She has AWESOME cozys
Valerie Martin

150 ~Heidi said...

Momo this would be my ultimate win! I love Kathy's cozies!!!! I haven't been able to get one yet. But my choice would be the Lime Smoothie one. I've wanted it for forever!!! I already like her on facebook. Does that count? winterblue73@gmail.com

151 janner said...

My favourite colour is PINK. I love these covers. Thanks for the chance to win.

152 ~Heidi said...

I've liked Kathy for awhile now on facebook!!!

Anonymous said...

I would say my favorite colors are pink and brown together or seperate. Love your blog and videos.

154 Saundra said...

These are so nice. My favorite color would have to be teal and brown. But this changes for me all the time. I think I just like color!

155 Denim Glitter Creations said...

I'm following kathy on facebook! My fave color is hot pink!


156 Cherylann's "Outta-My-Mind " said...

Oh my, this cover is so nice. My favorite color is deep purple.

157 sbmama said...

Aren't colors the most amazing wonders of the world?! I love them all but have always been particularly drawn to shades of green.

Susan in VA

Anonymous said...

I am now following Kathy's blog and her facebook. That cozy is adorable...I just love the color combinations. My favorite color is yellow.

159 **Savannah Leigh** said...


My absolute Favorite Color is PURPLE I love love love it! I wear it every chance I get and growing up my bedroom was purple along with the bed spread and curtains!

This cover is super duper cute!

Thanks for another wonderful opportunity to win a prize.
I also am following Kathy on Facebook



160 Marianne (Mash) said...

I actually have two favorite colors Momo, pink and purple!! Thanks for the opp to win!~!


sophiemily said...

Wow! These covers are terrific. Teal is my favorite color.

162 beckwhitty said...

Cute cover! My favorite color combo is teal and black (its too hard to pick just one) Thanks Momo!

163 Dalis (stampergirl) said...

I've got to say my fav is either the one you have in the photo or the zebra pattern one.

thanks for the chance to win.

I am a follower of her at facebook.
-- dalis

164 The Crazy Life of a Navy Wife said...

I love these and have wanted to get one for awhile! My favorite color is purple, but I love the pink/brown combo!

165 The Crazy Life of a Navy Wife said...

I liked on facebook (Caitlin)

cporter519 at yahoo dot come


166 The Crazy Life of a Navy Wife said...

I liked on facebook (Caitlin)

cporter519 at yahoo dot come


167 The Crazy Life of a Navy Wife said...

I liked on facebook (Caitlin)

cporter519 at yahoo dot come


168 Glenda Joy said...

My fav color is green. What a gorgeous cover! Thanks for the chance to win and your awesome blog.

169 Kerry T said...

My favorite color is purple.

170 Kerry T said...

I just went to FB and now "Like" Kathy's page.

171 Unknown said...

My favorite color is PINK! The cover is adorable

172 Alex said...

such a cute cover :) hmmm hard to pin down...lately I'm in love with teals and oranges :)

I'm following Kathy :)

the condes at gmail dot com

173 Tammy said...

My Favorite color is RED I love red!!! It is such a bright and cheerful color. I also follow Kathy on Facebook, I have been wanting a cozy for my Red Expression!! thanks and happy birthday!

174 Christy said...

I love pink and black! Zebra and hot pink to be exact!

175 Christy said...

I am also following Kathy on Facebook!

Anonymous said...

My favorite color would have to be pink. Love all your great ideas.
Thanks for a chance to win.

177 Totally Twisted Cards said...

Ohhhh. Pretty. One of those would look great on my Expression. Pink in my fav color. Thanks for a chance to win.

stacy at mycraftingtime dot com

178 Unknown said...

my favorite color is purple.. thanks for a chance to win..

179 Unknown said...

i'm following Kathy on her facebook.. she has some nice stuff..

180 Deb said...

These are all so cute!! Would love to have one for my Expression!! Blue in my favorite color and I am following Kathy on her Facebook page.
Thanks for the chance to win!!!


181 scrapaholicjen said...

Great prize! Thanks for the chance to win!
qtme2003 at yahoo dot ca

182 Ulysses' mama said...

That cover is so cute, it would be nice to win, I think the pink is very cute, I don't see how another color could be cuter.

183 Cristi said...

How adorable is that, My favorite color is olive green. What an awesome prize!
Big hugs

Amarilis Langley said...

I don't have a cricut( yet) but I LOVEEE the cover. My favorite colors are pink and brown..I live in Florida, Palm Coast, maybe we can meet half way....Hugs, Mari♥


185 Carol Ric said...

Beautiful cozy! I would love that cover. TFS!

186 Carol Ric said...

I am now a facebook follower of Kathy's. After looking at the fabrics on her page I really have to have a cover. TFS!

187 Lindsay said...

Great giveaway! These dust covers are awesome! Thanks for the chance to win!

188 Lindsay said...

I'm a follower of Kathy's on Facebook!

189 readysetstamp said...

This is so cute!!! I just love it!!! I tried to go over and join on Facebook but it was having issues. I will try again later and make sure that I follow her!! XOXO, Julie. :0)

190 Jennifer said...

Ohmygosh, Momo!!! :) I have never wanted to win something so BADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely love this cover...and it would go so well in my new craft room (well, it's a few months away from being done)!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite color is purple, but I've never really liked it for clothes or home decor (my high school boyfriend & father did surprise me & painted my bedroom walls purple, though growing up). I plan to do my new craft room in pink (I thought about doing it in blue, like the Limited Edition Expression, but I think pink goes better with my white cabinets & black counters)!

Thank you so much for the chance to win (it has been such a fun-filled week!),

partridgelu at yahoo dot com

191 Jennifer said...

Oh! I am now following Kathy on her Facebook page!!! :)

192 Rainbow said...

My fav color is Purple! I really like the purple paisley one she has on her site now!

I also liked her on facebook. I have seen her work on Etsy before!

193 sucor said...

Love your blog! My favorite color is pink.

194 DREAM CARDS said...

I just like Kathy on facebook.
and my favorite color is Turquoise.
Thanks for the chance to win

195 sucor said...

I like Kathy on facebook. Thanks for the chance to win.

196 maryanns said...

My goodness, this lady has talent!!! So many adorable patterns and colors to choose. Normally, pink is my favorite color, but I absolutely adore the school print!

197 sucor said...

I am also following Kathy on Facebook!

198 Monica said...

I am now following her on Facebook Momo. Thanks for the link.


199 Michele said...

OMG...this is such a great giveaway! Pink is my favorite color...and I am following Kathy on her FB. Thank you for the chance to win!!!

200 jd designs said...

I'm so indecisive on this one... I don't think I can pick just one favorite color. I love to craft with brown. I love to wear black and white. I love accenting with red and bright colors. I'm just all over the board on colors! :-)

~ JD ~

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