Saturday, May 1, 2010

National Scrapbooking Day Challenge!!!

Hi everyone!

So here is the challenge for today! You have to make a "GUY" Card!!! I know these are the hardest ones to make but they need love too! The challenge will be open until Tuesday Night and I will announce the winner then.

I got you girls some inspiration from a few friends of mines! Here are their cards...

This first one is from Gina from Gigi's Creative Designs! CLICK HERE TO VISIT HER! This card came out AWESOME!! I love her work!!!

 Then we have Trisha! Her husband is in the Air Force and she made this for him!!! These kind of cards really touch me. I admire the men and women that fight for us. Thanks Trisha! She is amazing! Check her out HERE!

And then there is Sarah!!! Dont you just adore this little Panda!!! She makes the most detailed and beautiful cards. Please check her out HERE!

Now we are ready for your work! Upload you Challenge photos to Mr. Linky!!! If you dont have a blog please email me the photo to and I will uplaod for you. Dont forget to hop around and see everyones work and most of all HAVE FUN!!!


1 - - Sheryl - - said...

the cards are adorable - that panda is too cute!
I have entered my card.

2 Heather said...

I love that panda.

I have entered my card. As I said in my blog I am not sure if it is a "Guy" card but I created it for my guy and I think he will like it. I will have to save it for Valentine's Day.

3 char52 said...

I actually needed to make a guy B-day card for a party tonight so this was fun.

4 {Raechel} said...

Hi Momo.
This was a crazy hard challenge for me...I started out waaay to dark in all my color choices but once I found the patterned paper I was good! Thanks for really challenging me today! I had fun!

5 Stephanie said...

A boy card?? Ack!! LOL ...hmmm, do I even have anything other than pink glittery girlie stuff for that? LOL What a challenge , I will see what I can do :)

6 Latin Coupon Queen said...

Agree Guys need some love too. Like always such awesome talented ladies. But this one will be. Why is it that when we say guy cards we totally blank out LOL. I'm so excited!! Can't do card Unable to get to cricut today. :( xoxo but Have till Tues so I'll be in

7 Live Love and Scrap said...

Thanks again MOMO!
Great cards Gina and Trisha...this one was super tough for me!!!


8 LogansCraftyMomma said...

This was so much fun!! Now my fathers day card for my hubby is to do my daddys. :)

9 Banner Market said...

Hi Momo!
You Rock! sees like everyone did such an amazing job on the "GUY" cards, Itoo think they dont get enough air time & thanks to you, you gave a great challenge! Been gone all do and I wanted to see all of the great cards, couldnt wait to get home :) Thanks again and have a wonderful weeeked :)

10 MizMaryAnn said...

My Hero is a great card and could be used for all kind of occasions. Nice job.

11 Stephanie said...

Ok I did it, it took me for-ev-ah to come up with an idea but I did it. Whew. Keep in mind this only my 5th or 6th card I've ever made, I think...I know it's under 10 LOLOL

12 The Scrappin Diva said...

I did an anniversary card

13 MaryNSC said...

I enjoy doing this. Thank U

14 Sweetdrops45 said...

This is so fun , I love it

15 Heather said...

I loved seeing all the entries. It was fun to try to come up with an idea for a masculine card.

16 Lauren said...

Masculine cards are so difficult, but I needed a father's day card. I also submitted this one for Robyn's challenge over on My Pink Stamper. These 'guy" cards are super cute. It's so much fun looking at other's ideas.

17 Debican said...

Now that I have a blog I can join in more challanges. I love everyones cards...brovo!

18 Debican said...

Wrong blog address. Im way too computer challanged...

19 Adorable Annagrams said...

thanks for the challenge! it was pretty tough, but i finally made one!

20 Nicole Wright Designs said...


21 Kathy said...

This was a "challenging" challenge. I also entered this card on a challenge over at MPS. I had so much fun and I hope to participate in more.

Nancy C. said...

This challenge came just in time - I wanted to make my son-in-law a birthday card! Thanks for the fun!

23 Amylucimar said...

i dont have a blog but i made some cards anyway. i got an early start to Father's Day. thanks Momo!

24 stephanie cortez said...

Every one is so creative...please subscribe to my blog ladies ( and gentleman if any out there) at thanks momo for the challenge! you are such an inspirations...keep those videos coming!

25 Cristi said...

This card was so fun to create! Thank for a fun challenge! I hope you are feeling better.

26 Dorcas said...

made this one for my brother.Loving your blog more and more! Thanks



27 Unknown said...

This was a great challenge! I haven't made many masculine cards so I made a card for my Dad. I was so inspired by all of these cards. I love your blog and check it often. Hope you are feeling better!


28 Cristi said...

Hi Momo
I was not sure if I missed it or not but did you pick the winner of the challenge for NSD? I have been enjoying the videos this week. I can't wait to watch your ne Q&A video tonight, hopefully!