Sunday, April 25, 2010

Episode 40 - Skunk

Hi everyone!

Here is ANOTHER card using Create A Critter. For those of you who have it you know how addicting it is! Hope you enjoy! I used Cricut Design Studio for this one!

Much love, Momo


1 Celtic Scrapper said...

I love this cartridge too!! I have not been able to stop playing with it all week either and I love seeing the projects you're working on.

2 Dayami said...

OMG! I am creating too!!! Look at the time!!!
Entering your challenge in a little while.
Gonna watch this episode when I wake up, again, in a little while ha!!

3 Banner Market said...

What a great idea! I love this card! Im going to have to try this with my gypsy only if I can find the link cord hmmm, I dont recall where I put it LOL! Ive been cutting all day making all kinds of cute little critters, I made Nicole over at Canadian Nickel Scrapn' a few Owls and Pandas, Im trading with her for some cute strawberrys from the Preserves Cart.
Love your talent Momo, You ROCK! as always!

4 Cricutcrazylisa said...

Well Now after seeing all these cute CRITTERS....I broke down and cracked my little piggy bank and ordered that cart. Feels like Christmas. All the anticipation!

5 liz at liz's paper loft said...

way too cute!

6 Kristina said...

Really cute little skunk! I love that cartridge.

Thanks so much for sharing!

7 Julie Fielder said...

This card is cute. I love purple to. Thanks for answering my questions and giving tips. I like when you do that. Thanks again your the best.

Anonymous said...

Oh that is so awesome but I would like to know how to mend the cards together please help I don't have the critter cartridge but I will soon I just brought forever young
Thank you Maritza

9 MizMaryAnn said...

I love this cart and I've been making critters all day. Your skunk is adorable. Please tell me how to use my DS to make it weld into a card. I keep trying but can't make it work into a card. I keep getting two pieces! Help!

10 Dorcas said...

I love love love love love your blog! YOU ROCK!!!!!

thanks so much for all these awesome ideas. Now I need the critter cartridge and the design studio. LOL

11 My Creative Time said...

This is adorable!! I NEED that Martha Stewart score pal!!!
I also LOVED your teacher gifts! It's funny because I made ALL of those items & then some (of course w/a different cart & paper) for my son's 1st grade teacher 2 years ago & they were a HIT!! GreaT jOB!

12 Babydoll said...

That little skunk is sooo adorable!

MAri G said...

The SKUNK IS STINKIN ADORABLE!!! Also love the welding it looks awesome. Sooo many critters so little time. LOL TFS

14 Dayami said...

Love this card too! Thanks for sharing :)

15 Christina said...

Your creations are too cute. I am loving all these cute critters :)


16 said...


17 Mel R said...

This is a case that I can actually say that a skunk is adorable! I love how you made that card! Great job!

18 Denim Glitter Creations said...